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āĕrŏplān|um, -ī. (a.eˈro.pla.num) neut.

  1. An airplane.

[aër + planum, calqued from modern languages after French aéroplane. Cf. Modern Greek αεροπλάνο, i.e. aëroplanon. || The Anglicized form aëroplane is in use outside the US, usually written (and pronounced) without the diaeresis.]

Variant forms

“Aëróplanum” indicating a penultimate a short is asserted explicitly in Gross [1] and appears to be the common pronunciation, though the etymology would prefer “aëroplánum.”

Adjective constructions

Noun constructions

Preposition constructions

  • in aëroplano, in aëroplanum

Verb constructions

  • aëroplanum irruit [in aliquid] an airplane crashes [into something]
  • aëroplanum volat an airplane flies
  • aëroplanum appellere to land an airplane
  • aëroplanum delabitur an airplane falls [having lost power]
  • aëroplano vehere to be carried by or ride in a plane
  • aëroplanum volare to fly an airplane